Design Sprint Day #1

Lalu Triawanri Novianung
4 min readMar 29, 2020


Now we are on the first day of design sprint lets give a good start like Usain Bolt.

First thing, in design sprint we have to choose a person as a sprint master that the person understands the flow of design sprint, but one thing is important is that person shouldn't be biased, so usually, we can hire people from the outside of the project.

The design sprint is divided into five stages per days, now we are in day #1


The opening of the design sprint, we get to know each other if you never know each other before but if you are in a small team which is already known each other, the sprint master should make sure the team is excited to join the sprint. In day one we have to know the goal of the design sprint what the question we will answer in this sprint what changes that we expect of this sprint? and how we measure success?.

Lightning Talk

The project owner tries to explain to us about the project that we try to solve in this sprint usually PM would to explain:

▶️ Previous research
▶️ User needs
▶️ The pain point of the user
▶️ Expectation

for example
“How people choose the best course for their learning path?”

Make A Map

We capture the journey of the user, how do we describe the journey of the user to reach their goal? let say like this:

Next in the middle between two of them, we define the step of the user how they reach the journey like this:

you can put more than 10 steps in one journey, but you have to know it is less journey user is easier to use the product that means you give a good experience. so keep it less journey if it is possible.

Next, to get deeper what actually happens for the user we can conduct a user interview. to know how to conduct user interview you can read this:

How Might We

After conducting the interview we try to collect and analyze the data that we get, I call it Finding to turn it into HMW (How Might We)

In the interview, we have to write down the point that user tells us which is the problem that their faces, we will transform that problem into an opportunity with the question “How might we?” for example like this:

The user tells the story that he: “ So hard to find the right course for my learning path because of no recommendation for some learning path”

After we heard the user pain point we get the Finding! we can reframe into How Might We like this:

How might we that we reframing as an Opportunity, in this day #1 design sprint we go for quantity for the HMW because in the rest of day #1 we will vote the HMW with the team.

Share and Vote

Share with your sprint team and then vote the HMW, “Don’t worry vote doesn't mean any competition in this sprint” but it will help us to group what the opportunity comes up.


  1. Every team member will speak up what they find in 2 minutes, “No big deal only 2 minutes!”
  2. Stick your post-it notes into your fancy wall to help you explain what you found.

🎈 Tips: write a notes for every good point of team member explained it will help us to make decision when voting


  1. Give 3 dots stickers for every member to voting.
  2. You can vote your own idea
  3. You can give 3 dots in one idea
  4. No further discussion when voting

🎈 Tips: vote what interesting to explore

That's it all we can do in day #1 Sprint which is the Understanding stage.



Lalu Triawanri Novianung

Uneducated scientist, untrained detective, part-time artist, full-time observer.